Digital Technology at Dr. David Shier Dentistry

Digital X-Ray

The digital era has brought us an exciting new technology called digital radiography. With digital radiography, we use a small sensor connected directly to a computer instead of a film packet. Taking x-rays is faster because the sensor is merely moved from tooth to tooth. It is also faster because the x-rays are available immediately on the computer monitor, with no development step in between. Because the digital x-ray exposure is shorter than taking conventional x-rays, the amount of x-ray radiation is reduced by up to 90 percent.

Digital x-rays allow us to see details and make adjustments that are a tremendous help in our diagnosis. We can also save images in our computer system for instant retrieval at a later date. Digital radiography is an advanced technology that speeds treatment and helps us make the most accurate and efficient diagnosis of your dental condition.

Digital pan: A digital panoramic x-ray is an easy and high quality extension to digital radiography. The process involves starting the Pan and giving your dentist/technician complete access to the image that appears on the computer screen, to enhance it, crop it, measure anatomical details and discuss the findings with patients.

Intra-oral camera

While x-rays provide valuable information that we can’t get from any other source, they can’t show you everything that’s going on in your mouth. That’s why we have invested in an intraoral camera – a highly advanced piece of diagnostic equipment that allows you to see what we see inside your mouth.

The Intraoral camera has a built-in light source, and serves as a tiny video camera that allows us to zoom in on one tooth with 25 times magnification, or give you a video tour of your entire mouth. The images are displayed on a television or computer monitor. The Intraoral camera allows you to be an active partner in your dental treatment by enabling you to see what inside your mouth. With a clear understanding of your dental condition, you’ll be able to make treatment decisions with confidence.

Dental Wand

Dental Wand is a reliable new technology that helps eliminate the pain and anxiety associated with dental anesthetic.

The Wand uses a computer-enhanced pump that controls the pressure and volume of anesthetic. It first delivers a small drip of anesthetic. Then, as the anesthetic begins to flow, the computer automatically produces an optimum flow rate. This steady flow of anesthetic that The Wand provides, eliminates the pressure and thereby eliminating any associated pain.

At Dr. David Shier Dentistry we use the best of Dental Technology to take care of all your needs when it comes to your oral health.

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